W means the web in your brain
the net in your head, like blood in your vein.
O means zero, o means no
o is part of the binary code.
(R is missing – it’s not always right,
are you listening with all your might?)
L means one - and in a truthful mode -
as yes it’s part of the binary code.
D means dis: it’s the negative prefix,
the hole to be fixed, the feel to be mixed.
(R is missing – it’s not always right,
are you listening with all your might?)
WO (double-you-oh) is standing for wood
It’s for making fire and feeling good
It’s for building ships to get far away
It’s older than mankind. It’s okay.
(Artificial intelligence is left to do right
It’s an awful flight through human night.)
LD (ell-dee) eventually stands for gold.
You cannot eat it you’ve been told.
It can make you rich it can make you bold
with hands that kill and eyes of cold.
Let’s unfold WOod and goLD,
let’s unfold WOod and goLD!
Both much older than you and me